Utah Roadtrip

My first big, climbing photography assignment, and to make it even better, on a big wall, the legendary Zion's ''Moonlight Buttress''. 

What a journey it was, full of sand, cracks sufferfest, cold nights in the tent, 200 meters of static rope. Alongside my friends, and very determined climbers Fay and Freja.  

A big learning curve for sure. It was quite a technical challenge shooting on the wall (film and video at the same time), managing data storage and battery charging while living in a tent in the desert with no electricity access. Being a one person band has its advantages, but also equals tons of work, so I pretty much didn't get to climb myself even for a day on that month long trip

Hope to make it back there one day.                                                                                                                                                                                     

November 2022