Monolith day with the girls

Early spring cragging day with the girls, we decided to head not too far from Chamonix to one of my favorite crags - La Chauffria Monolith. After a quick warm-up on the left, we relocated to the right-hand sidewall, to check out the route Resistance 7b+ which I tried last year (very much injured myself and didn't do clean). But it's an awesome, tension-holding boulder thing so I was keen to see how Thea, Alysa, and Christelle would handle it.

The highlight of the day was for sure meeting the little puppy and its Malamute chill Mom. Absolute cuteness, crag dogs are the best.

This was yet another day, for me to realize I can't combine climbing and photography at the same time. So I dismissed my own climbing on that day and will try to fully separate these activities from now on. Keep the full focus where I need it.

3rd of March 2022, Chamonix, FR